Blutecnica s.r.l. Via Borsoi, 18 Concordia Sagittaria (Ve) Cap: 30023
Tel: +39 0421 244285 Fax: +39 0421 245406
Cel. +39 339 4003596 +39 347 4701030 +39 328 7929995
Select TypeHirePurchase Select ProductSerie 200 / Prefabricated single unitsSerie 240 / Prefabricated single unitsSerie 300 / Prefabricated BathroomsSerie 500 / Technical modules and shelterSerie 600 / ContainerSerie 650 / ContainerSerie 700 / Insulated panels garden shedSerie 850 / Bike BoxSerie 880 / Wood BoxSerie 900 / Commercail Usefixtures / WindowsInfissi / Doorsfixtures / WindowsPanels / Polyurethane wallPanels / Rock Wool WallPanels / Polyurethane coverSanitary ware / SinksSanitary ware / ShowersSanitari / WcSanitary ware / Squat toilet
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